The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Nigeria Capital Market Performance
Influence of Electronic Procurement Processes on Procurement Performance of Uasin Gishu County Government, Kenya
Increasing Fishermen's Productivity by Optimizing Role of Government
The Role of Good Governance in the Performance of Village-Owned (Bum Desa) Enterprises
Influence of Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management on Employee Performance of Nandi County Government, Nandi County, Kenya
Understanding of Tax Directorate General Employees on Taxpayer Compliance Behavior
The Effect of Board Characteristics on the Disclosure of Islamic Social Reporting in Islamic Banks in Asia
The Effectiveness of Promotion on Social Media Instagram Using Direct RatingMethod (A Case Study at Mini Organic Mart Surabaya)
Market Reaction to Dividend Announcement during the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
Development of Sustainable Marketing Within Industrial Businesses: TheDecisive Influence of the Cultural and Politic Context
Determining Factors of Liquidation of Regional Public Companies: Case Study of Perumda Banongan, Situbondo Regency
The Effect of Profitability and Leverage on Income Smoothing Moderated By Audit Quality (Case Study of Manufacturing Companies In Basic and Chemical Industry Sectors 2019-2022)
Internal Audit of Hospital Services to Achieve the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance
Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction in the Impact of Service Quality and Pricing on Customer Loyalty (Study at Uptd Kesehatan Pengobatan Tradisional Bali)
Analysis of the Effect of Compensation and Incentives on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Longtun Karya Mandiri
Application of Systematic Literature Review Method in Studying Factors Affecting Employee Commitment to the Organization
The Effect of Personality and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Motivation on the Performance of the East Java Provincial Environmental Service
Impact of Urbanization Policies on Sustainable Development of Economic in Vietnam
Moderate of Professional Skepticism: Moral Reasoning, Independence, and Auditor Competence on Audit Quality
The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Motivation, and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at the Environmental Laboratory UPT of the East Java Provincial Environmental Service
Managing the Process of Exporting Foreign Direct Investment (Using the Example of the Automotive Industry of Uzbekistan)
Employee Perceptions, Servant Leadership, Influence on Performance Which is Moderated by Occupational Health and Safety
An Explore the Government Expenditure, Income Per Capita, Investment, and Poverty Impact to Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) In Indonesia
Implementation of Regenerative Tourism in Nyarai Tourism Village, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Factors Affecting Employee Job Performance in the Poultry Processing Sector: A Case Study from Gampola, Sri Lanka
Analysis of Environmental, Social, Governance on Tax Avoidance in Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
Challenges and Opportunities in Cross-Border E-Commerce Logistics: A Systematic Literature Review
Financial Development and Industrial Sector Growth in West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ): Does Inflation Matter?
Examining the Interplay between Employment Capability Development, Organization Culture, and Organizational it Adaptability in Shaping Organizational Commitment and Performance in the Gambia National Water And Electricity Company (NAWEC)
Assessing the Impact of Performance Management Systems on Reward Management and Staff Motivation in Malawi: A Case Study of Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)
Mediators of Work-Life Quality and Happy Workplace to the Link between Transformational Leadership and Employees' Organizational Commitment
The Influence of Career Development and Self-Efficacy on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable
The Role of Whistleblowing in Unmasking the Phenomenon of Deepfake Fraud
An Overview of Accounting Reforms in Indian Urban Local Bodies
Transformation of Robot Automated Food Service (RAFS) in the Perspective of Resource Change Management at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel (Study at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta)
Aim and Scope
JEFMS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Economics, Finance and Management. The scope of the journal encompasses research articles, reviews and short communications.
Frequency of Publication
JEFMS will publish 12 monthly issues, We publishes articles as soon as the final copy of edited version is approved. Accepts articles in all research fields of Economics, Finance And Management Studies.
Call For Paper
1) Last Date of Submission : 26 December 2024
2) Article published within a week.
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