Mediators of Work-Life Quality and Happy Workplace to the Link between Transformational Leadership and Employees' Organizational Commitment
1Tran Quoc Binh, 2Ngo Giang Thy
1University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH)
2University of Nguyen Tat Thanh
The research used a quantitative methodology to examine the impact of work-life quality and a positive environment on employees' organizational commitment. The role of work-life quality (WLQ) and a happy workplace (HWP) is regarded as a mediating variable and their significant contributions to the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment of employees are verified. The research involved 202 participants employed at rubber industries in southern Vietnam. The findings validated the existence of WLQ and HWP as mediators. This represents the novel focus of the research.
Workplace happiness, work-life quality, transformational leadership, organizational commitment
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