Implementation of Regenerative Tourism in Nyarai Tourism Village, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
1Derizal, 2Myrza Rahmanita, 3Hera Oktadiana, 4Saptarining Wulan
1,2,3,4Tourism Doctoral Program, Trisakti Institute of Tourism, Indonesia
Nyarai Tourism Village is renowned for its natural attractions, such as the Nyarai Waterfall and Gamaran Forest, iconic to the village. Known for its community-based ecotourism, local residents actively participate as tour guides. This study aims to identify principles of regenerative tourism in Nyarai Tourism Village, West Sumatra, Indonesia. A qualitative descriptive approach was applied, with data collected through observation and in-depth interviews with three representatives: village tourism managers, government organizations, and the local community. Thematic analysis revealed regenerative principles, including holistic forest management, community-stakeholder collaboration, product diversification as transformation and inspiration, tree-planting and "Lubuk Larangan" areas as responsibility, and preserved cultural tourism as cultural management.
Regenerative Tourism, Characteristics, Strategy, Indonesia
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