Development of Sustainable Marketing Within Industrial Businesses: The Decisive Influence of the Cultural and Politic Context
1Yopa Serges, 2Kuete Merlin, 3Koulayom Henri
1Advanced School of Economics and Commerce, University of Douala, Cameroon.
2,3Faculty of Economics and management, University of Bangui, Central Republic of Africa.
In recent decades, the incorporation of sustainable development principles into marketing has increased significantly. Consequently, researchers have explored the contrasting relationships between the two areas to evaluate their respective relevance. In response to this change, researchers and practitioners have explored the possibilities of incorporating sustainability concepts into marketing. Therefore, the aim of this study is to focus on the cultural and political factors that explain the development of sustainable marketing in Cameroonian industrial enterprises in light of the existing literature on sustainability and marketing. To achieve this goal, we collected qualitative and quantitative primary and secondary data from a sample of 74 Cameroonian industrial enterprises in the Centre, Littoral and West regions. We used different statistical tools such as descriptive, exploratory, correlation and explanatory analysis. The results of this approach show that cultural and political factors such as human resource development, religion, language, ethnicity, compliance with laws and regulations, adherence to standards, and quality explain the implementation of sustainable marketing in industrial enterprises in Cameroon. Therefore, we recommend that public and private organisations strengthen their environmental discourse, especially in developing countries, in order to successfully transition to more responsible practices.
Sustainable development, cultural and political factors, sustainable marketing.
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