The Effectiveness of Promotion on Social Media Instagram Using Direct RatingMethod (A Case Study at Mini Organic Mart Surabaya)
1Nuriah Yuliati, 2Mirza Andrian Syah
1,2Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Jl. Rungkut Madya. Gn. Anyar, Kec. Gn. Anyar, Surabaya, Jawa Timur60294
Mini Organic Mart is a retail business that provides quality healthy and organic products. Mini Organic Mart has been promoting using social media, especially Instagram since 2016, but the way to attract consumer attention through social media is still low. Based on a preliminary survey, the average number of “likes” on popular photo reaches around 15 likes only. For business account, this number is relatively low. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of promotion conducted by Mini Organic Mart through its Instagram account. The analysis method used in this research is the Direct Rating Method. The primary data was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires via Instagram story, the sample was taken as many as 100 respondents through follower’s @jualprodukorganik_mom. The result of the research stated that the promotion carried out was very effective and the total direct rating score was 68.16 which was included in good promotion category.
Effectiveness, Instagram, promotion, direct rating method
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