The Influence of E-Service Quality, Perceived Risk, and Customer Trust on Repurchase Intention (A Study on E-Commerce Tiktok Shop Users in Indonesia)
1Vidia Anugerah Ayu Tavia Ferrial,2Mahrinasari,3Yuniarti Fihartini
1,2,3Master of Management University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Changes in the use of information media in commerce have driven a shift from conventional trading techniques to electronic commerce, facilitating online transactions and creating intense competition among retailers, especially with the increasing number of e-commerce sites in Indonesia. TikTok Shop is an e-commerce platform that offers an interactive shopping experience, allowing brands to sell directly through the TikTok app using short video content or live shopping, often with the help of celebrities or influencers to promote products. TikTok Shop's efforts to maintain consumer repurchase intention are influenced by various factors, such as e-service quality, perceived risk, and customer trust. This study aims to determine the influence of these factors on repurchase intention in TikTok Shop Indonesia. Data collection was conducted using an online survey method with purposive sampling. The study sample consisted of 241 respondents, all of whom were TikTok Shop users who had previously made online purchases and were over 18 years old. Data analysis employed the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using AMOS 24 software. The study found that e-service quality had a significant positive effect on customer trust, while perceived risk had a significant negative effect. E-service quality and customer trust increased repurchase intention, whereas perceived risk decreased it. Customer trust mediated the relationship between e-service quality and repurchase intention but was not strong enough to mediate the negative influence of perceived risk.
E-Service Quality, Perceived Risk, Customer Trust, Repurchase Intention
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