Local Government Strategies in Improving the Quality of Human Resources Managing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in the Digital Era in Palembang City
1Masayu Adiah, 2Jailani, 3Dedi Rianto Rahadi
1Universitas Taman Siswa
3Universitas Presiden
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs are an important component of the community's economy, especially in Palembang City. The study aims to analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors and the strategy model of the Palembang City regional government in improving the quality of human resources in the MSME sector in the digital era. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Inhibiting factors include the implementation of HR training time that is not yet synchronized and optimal, tight MSME competition, difficult access to capital, Supporting factors include good communication between the Palembang City Government and MSME actors. The use of digitalization has become an obligation for MSMEs to introduce products globally. Making policies to support the sustainability of MSMEs. The policy model in the strategy for improving the quality of human resources for MSME managers is the role of the local government as a driver and mentor for MSME operational management.
MSMEs, human resources, strategy, policy model
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