Chief Executive Officer and Tax Avoidance: A Systematic Literature Review
Danti Sagita, 2Mutiara Syalwa, 3Lukluk Fuadah, 4Mukhtaruddin
1,2,3,4Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the development of chief executive officer (CEO) and tax avoidance. The researchers employed a structured literature review method, utilizing reputable electronic databases to gather data from 2018 to 2024, resulting in the selection of 16 studies based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The findings of this study comprehensively present the developments, types of variables and measurements. There are several types of CEO variables, including CEO overconfidence, CEO narcissism, CEO power, CEO greed, contractual and behavioral CEO attributes, founder or descendant CEOs, masculine-faced CEOs, CEO publicity, CEO stock options, CEO duality, and CEO hometown ties. These variables serve as independent variables for the dependent variable of tax avoidance, measured by the Effective Tax Rate and Book-Tax Difference. This research contributes to the academic discourse and practical applications in the fields of CEO and tax avoidance, offering valuable insights for future studies in this area.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Tax Avoidance
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