The Impact of Green Marketing Awareness on Organic Vegetable Purchase Intention: Evidence from Vietnamese Urban Consumers
Nguyen Huu Dung
PhD candidate, Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China.
Recent food safety incidents in Vietnam's urban markets have heightened consumer interest in organic vegetables, yet research examining the effectiveness of green marketing initiatives in this context remains limited. This study investigates the impact of green marketing awareness on organic vegetable purchase intentions among Vietnamese urban consumers, differentiating between manufacturer and retailer marketing influences while examining the mediating roles of perceived value dimensions. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative interviews (n=11) with quantitative survey data from 832 consumers across Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Structural equation modeling analyzes the relationships between green marketing awareness, consumer perceptions, and purchase intentions, while incorporating demographic variables as potential moderators. The findings demonstrate that manufacturer green marketing exerts stronger influence than retailer initiatives on consumer perceptions and purchase intentions, particularly through perceived quality (β = 0.787) and perceived risk (β = -0.641). The analysis reveals that perceived value strongly mediates the relationship between marketing awareness and purchase intention (β = 0.459), while demographic factors, especially income and education, significantly moderate these relationships. This study advances theoretical understanding of green marketing effectiveness in emerging markets by identifying differential impacts of manufacturer and retailer initiatives, while challenging traditional assumptions about price-value relationships in organic markets. The findings provide valuable guidance for practitioners in developing targeted marketing strategies and for policymakers in promoting sustainable consumption patterns in rapidly evolving market environments.
Green marketing awareness; Organic vegetables; Purchase intention; Perceived value; Vietnam; Emerging markets
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