The Effect of Market Orientation and Product Innovation Ability on Marketing Performance Through Competitive Advantage as an Intervening Variable (Study on the Weaving Industry in Bali Province)
1Ni Ketut Cantika Paraswani, 2Gregorius Paulus Tahu, 3I Gusti Agung Teja Kusuma
1,2,3Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
Province is very famous until to overseas Because its culture which is results from creativity , will , and feeling of the Balinese people . Almost all over regions in Indonesia have skills weave , start from Sabang until Merauke , including Bali. One of cloth weaving that developed in Bali is cloth weaving endek . Research objectives This For see influence market orientation and capability innovation product to performance marketing with superiority compete as intervening variable . Research This use method quantitative with analysis partial least square , the sample used was 71 respondents with the saturated sample method. The results of this study indicate that market orientation does not influences product competitiveness, market orientation does not influence on marketing performance, product innovation capabilities has a positive and significant effect on product competitiveness, product innovation capability has a positive and significant effect on marketing performance, and product competitiveness has a positive and significant effect on marketing performance . This study recommends that industry weaving in Bali Province must maintain and improve orientation to the market environment due to own good grades in research this , and on marketing strategy , satisfaction Customers and Communication promotion advertisement still very lacking and can improved return so that can formation good market orientation .
Product orientation, capability innovation product , advantages compete , and performance marketing .
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