Small Business Enterprises as a Mechanism to Rural Economic Enfranchisement: A Study of Local Governments in Delta State
1Oboreh Christian Uyeri, 2ISAHWOZE Christian Uwomano
1,2A lecture Delta State University of Science and Technology Ozoro
Rural economic enfranchisement is crucial for the sustainable development of any region, particularly in developing countries where rural areas are often marginalized. This study examines the role of small business enterprises (SBEs) in promoting economic enfranchisement in rural communities within select local governments of Delta State, Nigeria. By leveraging qualitative and quantitative data, the research investigates how SBEs contribute to job creation, income generation, and overall economic empowerment of rural populations. The study employs a mixed-method approach, including surveys, interviews, and case studies of various SBEs operating in the region. Findings indicate that SBEs significantly enhance economic activities by providing employment opportunities and fostering entrepreneurial skills among local inhabitants. Furthermore, the research highlights the challenges faced by these enterprises, such as inadequate infrastructure, limited access to credit facilities, and regulatory constraints. Despite these challenges, SBEs have demonstrated resilience and adaptability, contributing to the reduction of rural-urban migration and stimulating local economic growth. The study concludes by recommending policy interventions to support the development and sustainability of SBEs, including improved infrastructure, access to finance, and favorable regulatory frameworks. This research underscores the potential of small business enterprises as a catalyst for rural economic enfranchisement. It provides valuable insights for policymakers, development agencies, and stakeholders interested in rural development and economic empowerment.
Small Business Enterprises, Rural Economic Enfranchisement, Delta State, Job Creation, Economic Empowerment, Rural Development.
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