Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility to Realize Prosperity for the Community
1Ni Nyoman Santi Dewi, 2Ni Wayan Rustiarini
1,2Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Denpasar, Indonesia
The existence of a company cannot be separated from its environment and society. Companies must balance economic achievement with social and environmental responsibility through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. However, only a few companies realize the importance of implementing CSR to maintain the company's sustainability. Some companies consider CSR one of the costs that must be incurred to reduce profits. This condition motivates researchers to identify the motivation of business actors in conducting CSR activities. This study explores CSR practices in construction companies whose business activities significantly impact the surrounding community and the environment. This study uses a qualitative method: a single case study using PT. BASA is one of the construction companies in Bali, Indonesia. Research data were obtained through structured interviews with company management. The results show that the motivation of management to implement the CSR program is to contribute and be responsible for sustainability. The company project must get support from the community to avoid unwanted things during the project. The company has been able to implement its CSR program well. This activity provides a positive impact on the community.
Corporate social responsibility, construction companies, social, environmental, sustainability
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