Antecedents of Accountability Based on Karma Pala Teachings and its Consequences on Panureksa VCI Performance in Badung Regency
1I Made Jamin Yasa, 2Ni Ketut Sariani, 3I Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University, Denpasar-Bali
The rampant involvement of Village Credit Institution (VCI) officials in corruption cases in various regions in Bali, especially in Badung Regency, is an interesting issue to be studied and researched further. This action, in addition to having an impact on the performance of the VCI organization, also has an impact on the sustainability of VCI in the future. As is known, published data shows that almost all regions in Bali have found VCI that are unhealthy and have even gone bankrupt. How is it possible that VCI, which is managed by the community based on traditional villages with very strict awig-awig, actually experiences fraud committed by the officials themselves. This is very embarrassing and distorts the goals of VCI that have been aspired to. The existence of various fraudulent practices is an indicator of the weak supervisory function in VCI. Prevention of unhealthy practices in VCI should be carried out properly if Panureksa is responsive to every transaction that exists. The failure of the supervisory body to prevent deviations in VCI management and protect village assets from corruption is a reflection of the weak performance of the VCI supervisory body. This study aims to answer the main problem regarding the role of belief in the law of karma as an antecedent in improving the performance of panureksa. This study was conducted at panureksa VCI in Badung Regency. Hypothesis testing was carried out using PLS-SEM analysis, with the help of SmartPLS 3.2.9 Software. The results of the study indicate that belief in the law of karma can increase the accountability of panureksa in carrying out their duties. Belief in the law of karma can function as a moral and ethical principle that encourages someone to act in a correct and responsible manner, with the belief that their actions will be rewarded accordingly in the future. Other results indicate that accountability can improve the performance of panureksa. Accountability requires panureksa to actively identify, assess, and manage risks that can affect VCI operations. Good risk management can reduce the likelihood of financial or operational problems, thereby increasing the stability and performance of the institution.
Belief in the Law of Karma Pala, Accountability, Panureksa VCI
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