The Role Of E-Commerce In Increasing Msme Income In The Covid-19 Pandemic (Survey On Msme In Medan City)
1Bambang Sutejo,
2Dedy Lazuardi,
3Rahmat Lubis,
4Rizky Rahmadani,
5Dimas Abdul Aziz
The problem is that more than 53% of MSMEs experience a decline in asset value. Then, two-thirds of MSMEs experienced a decline in income during the pandemic, while more than 80% recorded lower profit margins during COVID-19, This of course has an impact on the survival of MSME actors where income has decreased while the needs of family life are still running. The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of e-commerce through Interface, Navigation, Content, Reliability, and Technical indicators in an effort to increase MSME income during the Covid-19 Pandemic in order to improve the welfare of MSME actors. The analytical method of this research is descriptive quantitative research. This research uses data analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. and Technical in an effort to increase MSME income during the Covid-19 Pandemic in order to improve the welfare of MSME actors. The analytical method of this research is descriptive quantitative research. This research uses data analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. and Technical in an effort to increase MSME income during the Covid-19 Pandemic in order to improve the welfare of MSME actors. The analytical method of this research is descriptive quantitative research. This research uses data analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach.ResultsInterface research, and influential reliabilityon the increase in the income of SMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic (Survey on SMEs in the city of Medan), while content, navigation and technical have no effect on increasing the income of SMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic (Survey on SMEs in the city of Medan)..
E-Commerce In Increasing Msme Income In The Covid-19
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