How Human Capital Drives Independent Commissioners to Supervise Profitability in the Banking Sector
1Endang Etty Merawati, 2Syahril Djaddang, 3Ari Kristianto
1,2,3Magister of Accounting,Universitas Pancasila,Indonesia
The post condition of covid 19, shows weaknesses in profitability of the banking sector in Indonesia. Referring thereto, this study aim to search how to improve profitability in the banking sector through the supervisory role of independent commissioner. Population of this research is 46 banking institutions listed in the BEI from 2016 until 2021. The number of research samples was 276 data, which data was taken from 46 Banks listed in BEI multiplied by the six-year research period. Model testing uses the Structural Equation Model method using the WARP PLS 7.0 application. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method using the WARP PLS 7.0 application involves several steps to analyze complex relationships between variable. Results of this study shows that 1)The board of independent commissioners greatly determines the company's success in achieving goals and improving the company's financial performance so that the company's ROA increased.2)The higher or lower the VHC value will significantly affect ROA. 3)VHC can strengthen the relationship between INDC and ROA.
Independent Commisssioners, Value Added Human Capital (VHC), Return on Asset (ROA), Banking Sector
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