The Problematic of Banking Governance in Cameroon: What Model for Appropriate Financing?
1ONGONO AMOGO Tobie Nicaise, 2DADEM KEMGOU Edouard Guilaire, 3MVOGO Jean
1University of Dschang, Cameroun, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences. Accounting and finance department
2University of Bamenda, Cameroon. Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences. Department of Banking and Finance
3Université de Dschang, Cameroun, Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Département : Finance et comptabilité
This article aims to examine the problems that litter banking governance in order to propose a model capable of boosting financing. Our area of investigation is Cameroon. Our methodological approach is qualitative. It lies in carrying out semi-structured interviews with branch heads and customers of the banks surveyed. Our sample concerns three banks with majority national capital operating in Cameroon. The data is processed using the thematic content approach. Our results show that the perverse effects of prudential regulation, information asymmetry, credit rationing, opacity and the tendency to short-term credit are factors that hinder bank financing. Our study proposes the development of a hybrid governance model capable of boosting bank financing.
banking, bank financing, banking governance
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