The Effect of Memorable Tourist Experience on Tourist Satisfaction and Its Implications on Recommendation Intention
1Hendro WIDJANARKO, 2Humam Santosa UTOMO, 3SURATNA, 4Fadli Hasan MUQADDAS, 5Martia GUPITASARI
1,2,3,4,5Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tourist recommendations to others are one of the important aspects in maintaining the sustainability of a destination. This study examines the effect of memorable tourist experience on tourist satisfaction, the effect of memorable tourist experience on recommendation intention, and the effect of tourist satisfaction on recommendation intention. The study was conducted in the tourist village of Wukirsari, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study involved 100 domestic tourists. The analysis tool used was WarpPLS. The results showed that memorable tourist experience had a significant effect on tourist satisfaction, memorable tourist experience had a significant effect on recommendation intention, and tourist satisfaction had a significant effect on recommendation intention. These results serve as a reference for destination managers to improve the quality of the experience felt by tourists so that they are satisfied and voluntarily recommend to others.
Memorable Tourist Experience; Tourist Satisfaction; Recommendation Intention
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