The Contribution Of The 2013 Curriculum And The 2023 Curriculum In Improving The Quality Of Education Elementary Schools In Tangerang City In Banten Province
1Dr. Isti Rusdiyanti, M.Pd, 2Prof. Dr. Sudadio, M.Pd, 3Dwi Yunianto Nugroho, 4Hany Tutut Handayani, 5Endang Sri Mulyani,Mariyanto
This study aims to determine the contribution of the 2013 curriculum and the 2023 curriculum in improving the quality of elementary school education in Tangerang City. The population in this study were teachers from 7 elementary schools in Tangerang City totaling 35 people. The data analysis technique used was Pearson Product Moment statistical analysis. The results of the study showed that the correlation between the 2013 curriculum and the results of elementary school student exams in Tangerang City was rx1y = 0.042, this indicates that there is a very weak relationship between the implementation of the 2013 curriculum and the results of elementary school student exams in Tangerang City. The correlation between the implementation of the independent curriculum and the results of elementary school student exams in Tangerang City is rx2y = 0.031, this indicates that there is a very weak relationship between the implementation of the independent curriculum and the results of elementary school student exams in Tangerang City. This shows a very weak relationship between the implementation of the curriculum, both the 2013 curriculum and the independent curriculum, and the results of elementary school student exams in Tangerang City.
Curriculum 2013, Curriculum 2023, Quality of Education
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