Impact of Professional Ethics and Law no. 5 of 2011 on Public Accountants on the Quality of Public Accountants' Work at Public Accountants' Offices in Indonesia
Adji Suratman
Maksi STIE YAI jl. Salemba Raya No. 7-9A Jakarta, Indonesia.
The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the Impact of Professional Ethics, UU no. 5 of 2011 about Public Accountants on the Quality of Public Accountants' Work at Public Accountants' Offices in Indonesia. The research method uses a qualitative research method by interviewing actors of 10 students of the Stie Yai Master of Accounting study program, library studies, phenomena in society, previous research, the level of triangulation to eliminate subjectivity with Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Research, discussion, analysis and new conclusions and recommendations are drawn. The result of research that Professional Ethics and Law no. 5 of 2011 regarding Public Accountants has an impact on the quality of work of public accountants at Public Accountant Offices in Indonesia.
Professional Ethics, Law no. 5 of 2011 on Public Accountants, Quality of Public Accountants' Work.
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