Analysis of Employee Performance Enhancement Through Job Satisfaction, Competence, and Work Environment (Study at the Tawangharjo District Office, Grobogan Regency, Central Java)
1Gus Hendy Wahyu Alfahmi, 2Rini Handayani
1,2STIE Atma Bhakti, Surakarta, Indonesia
This research investigates the impact of workplace environment, competence, and job satisfaction on employee performance at the Tawangharjo District office in Grobogan Regency, Central Java. The study utilized a sample size of 36 employees. In examining how independent variables affected the dependent variable (employee performance), the researchers conducted multiple linear regression analysis. The study's outcomes demonstrated that each of the three independent variables showed meaningful impacts on employee performance, with significant effects observed both when analyzed together and separately. Through the determination coefficient of 0.505, the study established that the investigated factors - job satisfaction, competence, and work environment - collectively explain 50.5% of employee performance variations in the Tawangharjo district office. The remaining percentage can be attributed to variables outside the scope of this study.
Job Satisfaction, Competence, Work Environment, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance
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