Work-Family Conflict and Work-Life Balance as a Predictor of Employee Performance in the Manufacturing Industry
1Hastho Joko Nur utomo, 2Anindwiya Mira Pradhika, 3Eny Endah Pujiastuti, 4Meilan Sugiarto
1,2,3,4Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This study examines the relationships between work-family conflict and work-life balance with job satisfaction and employee performance, highlighting the mediating role of job satisfaction. The population of this study was 861 production department employees. Data analysis uses Descriptive Statistical Analysis and Inferential Analysis using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method using Smarts PLS 3.0. The results indicate that work-family conflict significantly and negatively impacts both job satisfaction and employee performance. The stronger the work-family conflict, the lower the job satisfaction, and hence, the lower the performance. It also identifies emotional exhaustion, psychological stress, and role imbalance as negative outcomes of work-family conflict for male and female employees. On the other hand, work-life balance influences the employees' job satisfaction and performance positively. Whenever employees are able to balance between their work and personal life, they tend to portray a high level of job satisfaction and improvement in their performances. The results further denote that job satisfaction mediates in the relationship of work-family conflict and work-life balance with employee performance, but the direct influences of work-family conflict and work-life balance on performance are stronger than the indirect effects via job satisfaction. The study concludes that work-family conflict must be confronted head-on, and life-work balance policies must be implemented to realize high levels of job satisfaction and performance. These facts have useful implications for organizational management in the pursuit of a supportive and productive work environment.
Work-family conflict, Work-life balance, Job satisfaction, Job performance
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