Analysis of Acceptance Differences Between Baby Boomers and Other Generations Toward Digital Banking Services in Indonesia
1Imanuel Jovie, 2Budi Prijanto
1,2Fakultas Manajemen, Universitas Gunadarma, Jakarta, Indonesia
The rapid advancement of digital technology has significantly transformed the banking sector, making digital banking services essential for modern society due to their convenience and time efficiency. However, adoption rates vary across generations. This study analyzes the differences in acceptance of digital banking services between Baby Boomers and other generations in Indonesia, including Generations X, Y, and Z. A quantitative survey method involving 244 respondents measured factors such as ease of use, security, trust, and perceived benefits. The results show that Baby Boomers are slower to adopt digital banking due to concerns about data security, privacy, and low confidence in using new technologies. In contrast, Generations X, Y, and especially Z display higher acceptance, driven by greater technological familiarity and a preference for efficient, digital solutions. These findings emphasize the need for tailored approaches to address generational differences in adopting digital banking services.
Digital banking services, Baby Boomers, Generational differences, Technology adoption, Ease of use.
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