Analysis of Fuel Tank Truck Productivity in Supply Chain Oil and Gas (Case Study: State-Owned Enterprise of Oil and Gas Indonesia)
1Hally Hanafiah, 2Winda Raisa Oktora Intansari, 3Muhammad Luthfi
1Universitas Presiden, Cikarang, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2,3Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Fuel oil (BBM) is one of the main needs of Indonesian society. Modes of transportation such as tank cars are needed to be able to distribute fuel from TBBM or depots to distribution institutions for consumption by the public and industrial companies. The strategic role of tank cars in the fuel supply chain is as security of supply, flexibility of supply, and economics of supply. Pertamina uses Third Party Logistics (TPL) services which aim to achieve operational service excellence in the implementation of fuel distribution activities which are influenced by 3 main criteria, namely Men, Machines and Methods. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out to be able to distribute fuel on time and efficiently, there are several initiative strategies, namely Route Efficiency and Cargo Co-loading, increasing safety by regularly checking tank cars, and developing AI (Artificial Intelligence) in projecting or forecasting demand. Apart from that, tank car operations are also influenced by several factors such as the route or travel route, the planning and implementation process, tank car maintenance, the health of the tank car crew, and the technology used in operational activities. The costs required for managing a tank car are tank car rental costs, GPS costs and routine maintenance costs.
Tank Cars, fuel, fuel distribution, tank car management, tank car crew
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