Effect of Trust and Ease of Use Transactions Paylater on Implusive Purchasing Behavior
1Rizky Ananda, 2Mahrinasari MS, 3Dorothy RH Pandjaitan
1Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung
2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung
Along with the development of the times, technology is also developing quickly and increasingly sophisticated. The development of technology also affects the elements of human life, including in the economic field. This can be seen from the change of traditional economic system into an economy based on information and communication technology. Along with the growth of increasingly sophisticated technology, the internet seems to have become a daily consumption in human life and the business world. The presence of e-commerce has made changes to consumer behavior, which was originally only shoppingoffline by coming directly to shopping centers, markets, or the store itself can now be easily done online at home. The biggest reason for the change inpurchasing behavior patterns from direct purchases to online purchases is due to the basic convenience offered from online stores, but despite the many conveniences offered there are still factors that are the reason somecustomers do not choose to shop online, including the risk factor of fraud both in terms of quality and payment system.sample used in this study was 400 which were taken by purposive sampling. With the help of the LISREL 8.8 application, the results showed that the influence of trust and ease of transactions using paylater had a significant effect on implusive purchasing behavior.
Ease of Transaction, Use of Paylater, Implausible Purchase, Ecommerce
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