Acceleration of Digital Leadership and Utilization Knowledge Management on Readiness to Change by Strengthening the Educational Environment
1Yulian Ahmadi, 2Abdul Azis Bagis, 3Akhmad Saufi
1,2,3Master of ManagementStudy Program, Faculty of Economics and Business,University of Mataram, Indonesia
This research aims to investigate the acceleration of digital leadership and the use of knowledge Management towards readiness for change and strengthening the organizational climates of the academic community of Insan Cendikia Islamic High School in West Lombok. This type of research is causal and associative with research. The data collection tool used in this study was a questionnaire with 78 respondents from 340 population in Insan Cendikia Islamic High School. The data analysis technique uses PLS-SEM with Smart PLS version 3 software. The research results show that digital leadership and the use of knowledge Management have a positive and significant effect on readiness to change. Organizational climate moderates the positive and considerable influence acceleration of digital and utilization knowledge Management toward readiness to change. The study recommends that strengthening the conduciveness of the organizational climates is necessary to improve the practice of accelerating digital leadership and optimizing knowledge Managementin Islamic High School environments throughout Indonesia.
Digital leadership, knowledge IHSagement, readiness to change, organizational climate.
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