The Future of HR: A Forced Evolution or an Opportunity for Growth in the Wake of COVID-19 and Digital Transformation?
1Wakhid Lukas Septiono, 2Hadi Supratikta, 3Yayan Sudaryana
1,2,3Postgraduate Program of Management, Universitas Pamulang, South Tangerang, 15417, Banten, Indonesia
This research, using a correlational quantitative method approach, aims to see how big an impact the COVID-19 pandemic and digital transformation have had on human resource planning. Research data was obtained from questionnaires distributed randomly to 100 respondents in Jakarta, Tangerang and Bekasi, consisting of 74% men and 26% women. With a predominance in the age range of 30-40 years (34%), with work experience of 2-5 years (22%), from the manufacturing/fabrication sector (35%), with a bachelor's degree (43%), and a staff position (40%), which was then analyzed using STATA version 17. Based on research, it is known that the COVID-19 pandemic has no positive and significant impact on HR planning, while digital transformation has a positive and significant influence on HR planning, but both positively and simultaneously have an influence on HR planning with a multiple linear regression approach (Y = 8.900041 – 0.2552354X1 + 0.8285374X2), and both are only able to explain their influence on HR planning by 50.3%.
Adaptation, COVID-19, Digital Transformation, Human Resource Planning
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