Bridging the Digital Divide: The Impact of Digital Leadership on Career Commitment with Work Engagement as a Mediator in the Hospitality Sector
1Bobby Ertanto, 2Wilson Bangun, 3Benny Budiawan Tjandrasa
1,2,3Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung West Java, 40164
The adoption of digital leadership in the hospitality industry has introduced transformative dynamics in employee management and development. While digital leadership enhances innovation and operational efficiency, concerns arise regarding its potential to diminish leaders' commitment to fostering employee career growth and promotions. The increasing reliance on digital tools and processes may inadvertently reduce personal engagement between leaders and employees, potentially weakening work engagement—a critical driver of career commitment. This study investigates the influence of digital leadership on career commitment, with work engagement as a mediating variable. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS, the findings demonstrate that digital leadership positively impacts career commitment. However, the mediating effect of work engagement is less pronounced, highlighting gaps in interpersonal connections within digitally driven environments. The findings emphasize the need to balance digital leadership with strategies that strengthen interpersonal relationships and support employee development. These insights provide valuable guidance for hospitality managers to align digital transformation initiatives with employee career aspirations, enhancing long-term retention and engagement.
Digital Transformation, Work Engagemnet, Career Commitment, Hotel Industry
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