Fomo Phenomenon: Cyber-Phenomenological Exploration in the Labubu Limited Edition Product Collector Community
1Chusnul Rofiah , 2Irea Arrahima
1,2STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang
This study aims to examine the phenomenon of consumer behavior of collectors of POP MART's Labubu products, which is influenced by the fear of missing out on the opportunity to get limited edition products, as well as loyalty formed through digital communities. The urgency of this research lies in the growing market for limited edition products that trigger impulsive consumption behavior and encourage the formation of a community-based consumption ecosystem. The research method uses a qualitative cyber-phenomenology approach, with data obtained through social media observations, in-depth interviews, and digital documentation from collector communities on the Instagram and TikTok platforms. Data analysis was carried out using the Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP) with the stages of coding, categorization, and identification of main themes. The research object involved 8 informants who were active members of the Labubu collector community. The results showed that consumption of Labubu products was driven by the fear of missing out on the opportunity to get rare products, social pressure from the community, and motivation to gain social recognition. Collectors showed a high emotional attachment to the product, strengthened by the experience of hunting, queuing, unboxing, and sharing collections. Consumer loyalty is formed gradually through trust in product quality, emotional satisfaction, and social motivation obtained from the community. This study reveals the importance of community as an effective marketing tool and emotional experience as a major factor in building consumer loyalty towards limited edition products.
limited edition products, fomo, cyber phenomenology, labubu
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