Fostering Entrepreneurial Intentions in Religious Organizations: The Impact of Digital Leadership and Value Co-Creation
1Alfred Ohman, 2Marcellia Susan, 3Anny Nurbasari
1,2,3Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, 40164
The present research investigates the influence of digital leadership on entrepreneurial intentions, with value co-creation as a mediating variable and innovation capabilities as a moderating factor in the context of religious organizations. As digital transformation increasingly permeates various sectors, religious organizations are compelled to embrace innovation and foster entrepreneurial mindsets to sustain and expand their influence. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from respondents affiliated with religious organizations through structured questionnaires. Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) was employed to examine the relationships between the variables. The findings indicate that digital leadership significantly enhances entrepreneurial intentions, and this effect is strengthened by innovation capabilities. Additionally, value co-creation plays a pivotal mediating role, reinforcing the relationship between digital leadership and entrepreneurial intentions. The results underscore the critical role of digital leadership in fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within religious organizations. By leveraging innovation capabilities as a moderating factor and encouraging collaborative value creation, religious leaders can drive sustainable growth and empower communities to actively participate in economic initiatives. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by highlighting the intersection of digital leadership, entrepreneurship, and value co-creation in the unique context of religious organizations, offering practical insights for leadership development and strategic planning.
Digital Leadership, Value Co-Creation, Innovation Capabilities, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Religious Organizations.
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