Transformational Leadership Style for Improving Public Telecommunication Operators’ Operational Excellence
1Jennifer Davis-Adesegha, 2Telia Saunders, 3Boniface Okanga
1,3Cloud Analytika-London-United Kingdom-
2The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland.
As the global telecommunication sector undergoes a series of technological and operational changes and transformations, outcomes of this study revealed the use of transformational leadership becomes quite essential for soothing and smoothing the seamless change, transition and transformation of telecommunication operators from the undesired old system to the new desired state. Due to the advancement of telecommunication technologies, the global telecommunication sector is undergoing significant radical changes. These changes require new approach to business operations as well as linkage with the market. Combined with a shift and transition of the mobile telecommunication technologies through the chronological generations of mobile telecommunication technologies like 1G(First Generation) to 5G(Fifth Generation) mobile technologies, this implies of all the leadership styles, transformation leadership is quite essential for leveraging the capabilities of the telecommunication businesses to adopt new technologies, practices, culture, approach to managing customer service quality and customer relationship management. Unfortunately, as telecommunication companies experience a series of disruptive changes that are aimed at creating and delivering the best products, services and processes for the customers, lack of transformational leadership has often created chaos and confusion that affect the seamless change and transition to the new ways that can bolster the operational excellence of the telecommunication companies. Telecommunication companies make a lot of technological and technical changes to their operations in order to respond to the changes in customer needs as well as the changing nature of market competition, challenges tend to arise from lack of the accompanying organisational culture change. In effect, new technologies are introduced, but the employees ignore them and continue to use the same old approaches. This undermines the change in behaviours, practices and policies that are essential for enabling the use of the new technologies to create and deliver the desired outcomes for the customers and the business. To respond to such challenges, this study concludes with the recommendation of the transformational leadership framework analogous to Anderson et al.,’s (1994) Quality Management Theory to argue that to attain operational excellence, transformational leadership tends to take center stage during the implementation of any changes aimed at bolstering a firm’s operational excellence.
Challenges of Public Telecommunication Operators, Public Telecommunication Operators, Leadership Challenges, Operational Challenges, Poor Customer Relationship Management, Technical Challenges, Transformational Leadership Challenges
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