Mutual Fund Introduction and Training on Investment Decision, Integration between Technology Advancement and Psychological Management for Investors
1Sri Utami Ady, 2Nur Sayidah, 3Alvy Mulyaning Tyas, 4Mar’atus Sholikhah, 5Fauziyah Kusniati, 6Chindy Ayu Nurkholifa
1,2,3,4,5,6Economic and Business Faculty, Dr. Soetomo University, Surabaya 60118, Indonesia
This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of training and the introduction of mutual funds in a limited environment, namely for students, novice investors, and the community. The novelty of this study was the first quantitative research that combines the phenomenon of psychological aspects of investors and mutual fund training to produce a training model that effective in increasing mutual fund purchasing decisions. The first stage was to observe participants without attending training to see their interest in mutual funds. Stage 2 examines observing participants with training to determine their decisions. With the addition of qualitative methods, the third step was to develop the model produced in stages 1 and 2 as an effective model of mutual fund training and introduction, as well as the integration between technology advancement and psychology management for investors. The method used was quantitative with Chi-Square analysis by combining psychological aspects of investor behavior. The implication of this study for Partners are policy references for more attractive mutual fund introduction training models to increase investor decisions to buy mutual funds, and for investors are getting the proper education about mutual fund financial products and comparing them with stocks.
effectiveness model; mutual fund; introduction and training; technology advancement; psychological mangement
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