Strategies for Improving the Quality of Instructor Services through Strengthening Personality, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction
1Eko Suryo Prasetyo, 2Sri Setyaningsih,3 Herfina
1,2,3Pakuan University Bogor, Indonesia
This study aims to produce a strategy to improve the quality of instructor services by strengthening the variables of Personality, Interpersonal Communication, and Organizational Support as independent variables and the variable of Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable. A population of 462 resulted in 215 samples taken by proportional random sampling at 12 Main Branch Offices (KCU) of CIMB Niaga in Jakarta. This study used a survey method with a path analysis approach and SITOREM analysis. The results of this study can be concluded: 1) There is a significant positive direct influence between personality, interpersonal communication, organizational support, and job satisfaction on the quality of instructor services; There is a significant positive direct influence between personality, interpersonal communication, organizational support on job satisfaction; There is a significant positive indirect influence between personality, interpersonal communication, and organizational support on the quality of instructor services through job satisfaction. Job satisfaction cannot function as an intervening variable between personality, interpersonal communication, and organizational support on the quality of instructor services. The results of the SITOREM analysis show that the indicators that are still weak and need to be improved are: 1. Providing views, ideas, 2. concepts for organizational progress, 3. Generosity, 4. Opportunities for job promotion, 5. Coworkers, 6. Working conditions, 7. Working conditions, 8. Support from superiors, 9. Organization, 10. Deep attention to customer needs, 11. Quality of facilities, infrastructure, and service facilities, and 12. Sincerity, self-confidence, and skills in serving.
Instructor Service Quality, Personality, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction and SITOREM.
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