Jono Village Synergy in Improving Creative Tourism-Based on the Salt Industry
1Nineng Khoirun Nisa, 2Sutianingsih
1,2Management Study Program, Atma Bhakti College of Economics, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Grobogan Regency's tourist sector is still quite small and hasn't been able to significantly impact the growth of the travel and tourism sector in Indonesia. Even though Grobogan Regency has a lot of possibilities for overseeing local resources related to tourism. The Jono Tourism Village is one of the potentials in the Grobogan area that could be developed. The distinctive feature of Jono Village is its ability to generate salt products despite being distant from the ocean. At the end of 2016, the Ministry of Tourism designated Jono Village as a Tourism Village. Not much has changed in this community since it was recognized as a tourist village. This is due to the unrealized potential of other locations as tourist destinations, the dear th of facilities in this community, and the village's poor accessibility. As a result, the author wants to transform this vacation hamlet into a community-based destination with a hub for the salt industry serving as a major draw. A qualitative descriptive technique will be used in the design concept that will be put into practice. Reducing the unemployment rate, enhancing the local economy, protecting the area's cultural environment, and building the infrastructure necessary to support the tourist village's growth are just a few of the issues that need to be resolved to develop this village. Data collecting techniques employed in the construction of this creative tourism town include reading, interviews, and observation. Next, interactive analysis techniques and flow model analysis approaches are employed for data analysis. The study's findings enable Jono hamlet to develop into a creative tourism hamlet with attractions that match the community's capabilities, particularly the Jono Village Salt Industry.
Tourism, Creative Tourism Village, Salt Industry Center.
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