Analysis Risk Mitigation of Delay in Delivery Using House of Risk Method (Case: Air Cargo Transportation)
1Hally Hanafiah, 2Muhammad Riffat, 3Dedi Rianto Rahadi
1,3Universitas Presiden, Cikarang, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat
2Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Logistics Service Provider Companies are responsible for ensuring the delivery of goods using land modes, sea modes and air modes on time. However, in reality there are many problems and obstacles faced in order to guarantee one of these important key performance indicators. This research uses the house of risk method to identify the causes of the risk of delays and design mitigation strategies that can be done to overcome this problem by conducting interviews and filling out house of risk questionnaires with respondents who understand the problem. In this research, 13 risk events and 19 risk agents were found, and 9 priority risk agents were found to cause the problem. After that, activities were carried out to design mitigation strategies that could be carried out and 8 preventive actions were identified and the sequence that must be carried out to overcome the risk of delays.
Delayed, Risk, Air Cargo, House of Risk, Mitigation Strategy
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