Perception of Transaction Ease, Security and Trust on Customer Satisfaction in Using BSI Mobile Banking to Generation Z Customers in Jabodetabek
1Veshela Annesa Dewi Nawangwulan, 2Renny
1,2University of Gunadarma, Jakarta, Indonesia
Problems faced by Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) regarding the development of digital banking technology in banking. Especially for BSI users mobile banking namely: (1) the percentage of use of BSI services is still low Mobile compared to service mobile banking other banks (2) review users who are still not satisfied with the ease of transactions (3) there are information security threats such as cases ransomware on BSI Mobile which causes a decrease in customer trust (4) internet use which is relatively high in generation Z, is not yet commensurate with usage mobile banking in generation Z which is still relatively low. The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of perceptions of convenience, security, trust and which variables have the greatest influence on customer satisfaction in using BSI mobile banking for Generation Z customers in Jabodetabek. The analytical method for testing customer satisfaction is carried out via google form, in this research using quantitative data with a sample of 350 generation Z customers in Jabodetabek using techniques purposive sampling. The analytical tool used is software SmartPLS version Data analysis uses PLS-SEM analysis. This research data consists of descriptive data, outer model (test instrument) and inner model (hypothesis testing). The research results show that perceived ease of transactions and trust influence customer satisfaction in using BSI Mobile Banking for generation Z customers in Jabodetabek. Meanwhile, security has no effect on customer satisfaction in using BSI Mobile Banking for generation Z customers in Jabodetabek. The perception of ease of transactions has a greater influence compared to security and trust.
Mobile Banking, Perception of Transaction Ease, Security, Trust
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