An Empirical Study of the Impact Digital Ecosystem on Alpha Generation Purchase Intention: From the Perspective of Flow Experience and TPB
1Tesar Librian Priyo Susilo, 2Umu Khouroh, 3Sugeng Haryanto, 4Joyo Wjoyo
1,2,3,4University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
The digital Ecosystem is a multifaceted network that includes social media, e-commerce, socio-commerce, and gaming, where each component influences the others. Social media, for instance, has fostered the growth of socio-commerce by merging social interactions with commercial activities. This research explores the dynamics within this Platform, focusing on factors that drive Purchase intentions, particularly among the Alpha Generation, who are growing up in a digital-first world. The study finds that Attitude, Flow Experience, and Subjective Norms all significantly affect Purchase intentions. Among these, Attitude is the most influential, highlighting how consumers' emotions, feelings, and beliefs shape their Purchase decisions. This is especially important for the Alpha Generation, who are deeply embedded in digital culture and highly influenced by their online experiences. The significance of Flow Experience, which refers to the enjoyment and engagement during the Purchase process, emphasizes the need for a positive shopping experience to enhance purchase intentions. Additionally, Subjective Norms, or the impact of societal expectations and social pressures, play a crucial role in consumer decision-making, particularly for the socially connected Alpha Generation. The research quantitative approach and correlational design, confirms that these factors are key determinants of Purchase intention, aligning with existing consumer behavior theories. The study's sample of 115 participants met the required criteria, ensuring reliable and valid findings.
Digital Ecosystem, TPB, Flow Experince, Purchase Intention, Alpha Generation
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