Optimizing the Financial Performance of SMEs in Bali
1I Ni Luh Anik Puspa Ningsih, 2Made Pratiwi Dewi, 3I Ketut Darma
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
Environmental problems are a threat that cannot be ignored. All lines of society and companies are required to be able to maintain business sustainability and reduce negative impacts on the environment. Bali as a food center (culinary). The development of the tourism sector provides a stimulus for the development of the culinary business in Denpasar. The culinary industry is an interesting object considering that food products are very close to the use of disposable packaging, not easily recycled, and have an impact on environmental pollution. Companies are encouraged to create innovations in producing products and providing services to consumers while still prioritizing environmental conservation. One of the efforts made is by implementing environmentally friendly-based entrepreneurship in its business activities and still focusing on optimizing business performance. This research was conducted on Culinary SMEs in Bali Province. The data processing method uses path analysis with smartPLS analysis tools. The results showed that the more optimal the implementation of high performance values the level of financial literacy of the owner and / or management of culinary SMEs can improve the business performance of culinary SMEs.
Financial Performance, Green Entrepreneurship Orientation (GEO), Financial Literacy, SMEs
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