Bankruptcy Analysis Using the Altman Z-Score Model (Study on Retail Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange)
1Abdul Rohim, 2Widy Taurus Sandy, 3Achmad Hilal Akbar Ramadhan, 4Agus Taufik Hidayat
1,2,3,4STIE PGRI Dewantara
Bankruptcy is a legal or economic event that often results in the complete cessation of all business activities and operations. This bankruptcy usually starts with liquidity problems, but is closely linked to situations where a company's debt exceeds its total assets. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Altman Z-score model as a tool to predict bankruptcy. The main focus of this study is retail companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2021-2023. 31 companies participated in the study, supported by 93 financial statements. The researchers used purposive sampling method for the sampling process. The study uses the modified Altman Z-score method (1995) to analyze the obtained data. The analysis revealed that 17 companies (54.8%) could be classified as healthy. 3 companies (9.7%) were classified as weak, and 11 companies (36.7%) were expected to go bankrupt. These results provide insight into the financial health of the retail companies surveyed and highlight the importance of using predictive models to determine bankruptcy risk.
Altman Z-Score, Bankruptcy, Financial Ratios
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