Analysis of Business Strategy "UMK Sokasi" in Kayubihi Village, Bangli District
1I Ketut Selamet, 2Ni Made Rustini, 3A.A Sri Purnami
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises need to receive serious attention, especially Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) to become businesses that are more efficient and able to develop independently, increasing people's income, creating employment opportunities and increasingly being able to increase their role in providing goods and services. So that companies remain able to compete, company management must be able to use strategies to maintain or improve its market position. One of the micro and small businesses that is always close to the cultural life of the Balinese people is the bamboo woven business specifically for "sokasi" products in Kayubihi village, Bangli District, Bangli Regency. With various motifs and sizes, the types of Sokasi produced, such as the Matahari, Sroni, Rangrang, Kincir, Lilin, Swastika motifs, etc., are a special attraction for Sokasi enthusiasts in the Bali region. With conditions like this, craftsmen need to pay attention to their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and future challenges so that they can determine strategies to maintain and even expand the market for Sokasi products, especially in Kayubihi village MSEs.
MSEs, Sokasi, SWOT, Strategy, Marketing
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