The Influence of Advertising Creativity, Advertising Attractiveness, Endorser Credibility, and Advertising Effectiveness on Instagram on Purchase Decisions at Ilsproject Denpasar
1Ni Nyoman Rusmiati , 2A. A. Sri Purnami
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
Study This addressed For analyze influence creativity advertising, power pull advertising, endorser credibility, and effectiveness advertisement in influence decision purchase at Ilsproject Denpasar. Study This target population that is all over ever consumer buy products at Ilsproject Denpasar and ever see advertisement Ilsproject on Instagram. Through technique purposive sampling and formula ten times rules , obtained A total of 80 respondents participated in study . Empirical data collected through questionnaire onliner based on Google Form and then the data is analyzed through approach multiple linear regression with SPSS software. Proposed hypothesis that creativity advertising , power pull advertising , endorser credibility , as well effectiveness advertisement influential positive and significant to decision purchase consumer Good in a way partial nor simultaneous . Findings on the study This indicated that the more tall level embodied creativity in marketing content on Instagram Ilsproject Denpasar will capable increase decision purchase consumer. Further , more interesting content advertising used by Ilsproject Denpasar in promote products on the Instagram platform can also be done increase decision purchase consumer . Findings research also proves it that the more Good the ability of the endorser used Ilsproject Denpasar and more tall level effectiveness of advertisements displayed by Ilsproject Denpasar in promote its products on the Instagram platform will capable increase decision purchase consumer .
Creativity, Advertising, Advertising Attractiveness , Credibility Endorser, Effectiveness Advertising, Purchase Decisions
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