Decoding Millenial Preferences for M-Health App Features: Strategic Insights for Marketers
1Ayuningtyas Yuli Hapsari, 2Annisa Lisdayanti
1,2Universitas Widyatama, Jl. Cikutra No.204, Bandung, Indonesia
Utilizing user satisfaction as a mediating variable, this study attempts to investigate how the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model affects millennial generation preferences for utilizing mobile health applications (m-health) and what it means for marketing tactics. Four primary UTAUT constructs—performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions—are incorporated into this study methodology. For this study, 200 members of the millennial generation participated in a survey. Path analysis techniques were employed in the data analysis to examine the correlation between the variables in the study model. The analysis's conclusions demonstrate that, both directly and through the mediation of user satisfaction, the UTAUT variable significantly influences users' preferences for utilizing m-health applications. This research also highlights the significance of user happiness in influencing preferences. Marketers can utilize this information to inform the development of more successful marketing plans aimed at encouraging the millennial age to adopt mhealth apps. The results have practical significance for marketers creating more engaging and relevant marketing campaigns, as well as for m-health app developers and healthcare providers creating tactics that boost millennials' happiness and user uptake.
UTAUT, User Satisfaction, Millennial Generation Preferences, Marketing Strategy, Path Analysis, Mobile Health Application.
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