The Role of Organizational Culture on Knowledge Management and Green Innovation in Private Universities
1Suyadi, 2Slamet Widodo, 3Praningrum
1,2,3Department of Management, Faculty Economics and Business, Bengkulu University, Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia
Innovation for sustainability in private universities has emerged as a crucial area of research globally. The existing literature highlights the significance of organizational culture, knowledge management, and green innovation in achieving sustainability goals. This study aims to determine the influence of organizational culture on knowledge management and green innovation in private universities located in LLDIKTI Region II. A cross-sectional research design was employed, with data collected via questionnaires from a sample of 305 respondents from private universities in LLDIKTI Region II. The data were analyzed using the Smart PLS structural equation model to test the proposed hypotheses. The findings of this research align with human resource-based theory, which posits that organizational sustainability is determined by the strength of its internal resources. The results confirmed that organizational culture significantly influences knowledge management (Hypothesis 1) and green innovation (Hypothesis 2) in private universities within the specified region. The study also underscores that private universities function as quasi-public organizations that blend business principles with a social approach to meet community needs while maintaining high competitiveness in a globalized world. This research contributes to the body of knowledge by examining the multidimensional relationship between knowledge management processes, organizational culture, and green innovation in private universities. By exploring these interconnections, the study provides valuable insights for enhancing sustainability and competitiveness in higher education institutions. The study concludes that a strong organizational culture is essential for fostering effective knowledge management and promoting green innovation in private universities. Future research could expand the sample size and incorporate additional variables, such as organizational commitment, to deepen the understanding of the dynamics at play.
Organizational Culture, Green Innovation, Knowledge Management
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