The Influence of Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Employee Creativity Mediated by the Meaning of Work at PT Sumitan Artha Valutama
1Temmy Irvan Gushendra, 2Iwan Kurniawan Subagja, 3Partogi Saolan Samosir
1,2,3University of Krisnadwipayana Jakarta
This research aims to determine the effect of 1) organizational support and proactive personality on the meaning of work, 2) organizational support and proactive personality on employee creativity, 3) meaning of work on employee creativity, 4) organizational support for employee creativity through meaning of work 5) proactive personality on employee creativity through meaningful work. The research was conducted at PT Sumitan Artha Valutama with a research sample of 50 respondents. The sampling technique uses a saturated sample technique. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of the research show that: 1) there is a positive and significant direct influence of organizational support and proactive personality on the meaning of work, 2) there is a positive and significant direct influence of organizational support and proactive personality on employee creativity, 3) there is a positive and significant direct influence of meaningful support work on employee creativity, 4) there is no influence of organizational support on employee creativity through meaning of work. 5) there is no influence of proactive personality on employee creativity through the meaning of work.
Organizational Support, Proactive Personality, Meaning of Work, Employee Creativity
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