The Effect of Village Fund Allocation and Capital Expenditure on Community Welfare with Financial Performance as an Intervening Variable (Study on Villages in West Denpasar District)
1I Kadek Agus Widjantara, 2Gregorius Paulus Tahu, 3I Made Dauh Wijana
1,2,3Postgraduate at Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Bali Indonesia
know and analyze influence of Village Fund Allocation, Capital Expenditure and Financial Performance to Public welfare. Design/methodology/approach: Type of research quantitative, which was carried out in 8 villages in West Denpasar sub-district. Engaging sample of 40 data on village fund allocation, capital expenditure, performance finance village in West Denpasar subdistrict, with utilise tool SEM PLS model analysis.
Village Fund allocation is proven in a way positive and significant influential to Proven Community Welfare , Capital Expenditure in a way positive and significant to Community Welfare , Village Fund Allocations have an influence positive and significant Financial Performance , Capital Expenditure influence positive and significant on Financial Performance , Financial Performance influential positive and significant to Community Welfare , Financial Performance in a way positive capable role mediate the influence of Village Fund Allocation on Community Welfare and Financial Performance in a way positive capable role medation influence Capital Expenditures against Public welfare .
Research results this can can used in taking decisions on villages in inner Denpasar City effort increase Public welfare.
This research provides new insights, first tested the intervening impact of Financial Performance on Community Welfare and provided important information to the community that community welfare also depends on funds received and managed by the village government.
Village Fund Allocation, Capital Expenditure, Financial Performance, Community Welfare, Village Development Indicators
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