APBDes Management in Efforts for Financial Accountability and Transparency in Sahan Village, Seluas Subdistrict
1Hermanus, 2Djunita Permata Indah, SE, M.Acc 3Fera Damayanti, SE. M. Ak
1,2,3Tanjungpura University & Indonesia
Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget Management ( APBDes ) is a regional government financial plan that contains village income, expenditure and financing. APBDes management must be based on the principles of accountability, transparency, participation which is carried out in an orderly manner and with budget discipline. In this research, the method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The research results show that the management of the APBDes in Sahan Village has been carried out well and has followed structured and systematic procedures through five main stages: planning, preparation, approval, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Apart from that, the Sahan Village government has succeeded in implementing the principles of accountability and transparency in APBDes management in accordance with Permendagri No. 20 of 2018, with active community participation at the preparation and monitoring stages, as well as presenting budget information and fund allocation openly through information boards, billboards and village websites.
APBDes Management, Accountability, Transparency
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