Experience Flow and Social Media Attitude toward Purchase Intention
1Tu Ngo Dan Thu, 2Ngo Giang Thy
1Undergraduate student, UEH-International School of Business
2Nguyen Tat Thanh University
This paper employs a quantitative approach to hypothesis testing through structural equation modeling. The advertising perceived value of the consumer is described by four factors: entertainment, informativeness, credibility, and irritation. Based on a sample size of 406 individuals who use advertising platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. The study validated the positive relationship between advertising's three components, namely entertainment, information, and credibility, and the user's flow experience and attitude toward advertising. Conversely, the advertising irritation component has an adverse effect on both user experience and attitude toward advertising. Furthermore, the findings also show a positive association between experience flow and people's attitudes about advertising. Finally, the study found that both experience flow and attitude toward advertising have a significant and positive effect on the tendency of consumers to purchase.
Entertainment, experience flow, irritation, purchase intention
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