Employee Retention through Organizational Commitment, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction
1Sri Harini, 2Tini Kartini, 3Sulastri Aulia
1,2,3Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Djuanda, Bogor, Indonesia
Commitment can increase organizational ownership, performance, and retention with the ultimate goal of minimizing employees' desire to leave the organization because high turnover costs result in costs that are never considered. This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of work engagement and job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of employees PT. Jakartana Tama Ciawi-Bogor, both partially and simultaneously. This research uses descriptive and verification methods. The sample in this study amounted to 161 people using non-probability sampling with a saturated sampling technique. Data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires. Data processing uses multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS Version 25.00. The research results show that work engagement t and job satisfaction positively and significantly affect organizational commitment, both partially and simultaneously.
Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Retention, Work Engagement.
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