Determinants of Burnout and Job Satisfaction as Mediating Variables in Employees of PT. Multi International Logistic
1Andrianto,2Edi Priyono
1,2Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Atma Bhakti Surakarta
This study's goal is to examine how motivation and workload affect burnout in PT. Multi International Logistic employees, to analyze the effect of workload and motivation on job satisfaction in employees of PT. Multi International Logistic, to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on burnout in employees of PT. Multi International Logistic, to analyze job satisfaction as mediating variable between the effect of workload and motivation on burnout in employee of PT Multi International Logistic. The participants in this research are PT Multi International Logistic employees, and census sampling methods were employed. According to the study's findings, workload has a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction, and motivation and workload variables have a positive and significant impact on burnout. Additionally, job satisfaction is positively and significantly impacted by burnout. The results of the mediation imply that work satisfaction may both mediate the relationship between motivation and burnout and the relationship between workload and burnout in a positive and significant way.
Workload, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Burnout
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