The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Performance, Apparatus Competence, Through Village Financial Management on the Effectiveness of Village Development Programs in South Tanimbar District
1Yulita Maria Masela, 2Edi Subiyantoro, 3Sunardi
1,2,3University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
The aim of this research is; 1) to describe job satisfaction, performance, apparatus competency, village financial management, and the effectiveness of village development programs in South Tanimbar sub-district; 2) to analyze the influence of job satisfaction, performance, competence of officials, and village financial management on the effectiveness of village development programs on the effectiveness of village development programs in Tanimbar Selatan District; 3) to analyze the influence of job satisfaction, performance and competency of apparatus on the effectiveness of village development programs in Tanimbar Selatan sub-district; 4) to analyze the influence of village financial management on the effectiveness of village development programs in Tanimbar Selatan District; 5) to analyze job satisfaction, performance, and competency of officials on the effectiveness of village development programs through village financial management in Tanimbar Selatan subdistrict. This research uses a quantitative approach method. The population in this study was 10 villages with 100 village officials. The sampling technique uses path analysis so that the sample used is 100 people. The analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of this research are; 1) The results of descriptive statistical analysis of the variables of job satisfaction, performance, apparatus competency, financial management, and effectiveness of development programs provide an illustration that the majority of village officials in South Tanimbar sub-district tend to be active in carrying out their duties and responsibilities at work. Village officials are considered good at their work. Financial management is one of the factors that can encourage employee enthusiasm in working to achieve good work results by relying on the size and level of effectiveness of development programs; 2) job satisfaction has a significant influence on village financial management in South Tanimbar sub-district; 3) performance has a significant influence on the effectiveness of village development in South Tanimbar District. 4) Apparatus competence has a significant influence on the effectiveness of village development in South Tanimbar District. 5) financial management has a significant influence on the effectiveness of village development programs in South Tanimbar sub-district. 6) job satisfaction, performance, apparatus competency. Job satisfaction is the most important part for agencies to pay attention to and consider, because through job satisfaction employee work results can be achieved.
Job Satisfaction, Performance, Apparatus Competence, Village Financial Management, and Effectiveness of Village Development Programs.
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