Efforts to Improve Hospital Employee Performance through Human Resource and Competency Development
1Uun Dwi Untari, 2Nurul Qomariah, 3Ni Nyoman Putu Martini
1,2,3Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
A government organization must be able to optimize existing human resources. The performance achievements of employees influence the good, bad, success and performance of the organization as a whole. The first aim of this research is to determine the impact of human resource development on the performance of hospital employees. The second objective is to determine the impact of employee competency on hospital employee performance. This research used a population of all government hospital administration employees in Jember Regency, totaling 123 employees. Saturated samples were applied in sampling so that the total sample was 123 respondents. This research requires primary data so it requires a questionnaire to obtain the data to be processed. So that the questionnaire created can be used, its level of validity and reliability needs to be tested. Because this research aims to determine the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable, it is necessary to test the research hypothesis. The results of data processing show that human resource development can actually improve the performance of hospital employees in Jember Regency. It turns out that the competency variable also has a positive impact on employee performance at government hospitals in Jember Regency.
HR development; competency, employee performance; hospital.
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